Colt born May 1/13
He is Breeder Trust Nominated, meaning earn points at the show and get cash.. He is very well built, conformational correct, good bone as well. Kinda a shy personality, but a real sweetheart, will make someone a great forever friends. will mature at 15+hds. He has one dark blue eye and one light blue. to good home only (15% deposit to hold until weaned in Sept.)
Registered " Pretty Blue Pearl"
Filly born April 28/13
She is Breeder Trust Nominated (meaning earn points at show and get cash). She has great blood lines in her.
She is very unique in color and has a very laid back personality.
She is all white, except the inside of her ears, has ice blue eye, what a beauty. will mature at 16+hds.
to good home only! (15% deposit to hold until weaned in Sept.