Not a one of the with the same pattern of Black and Orange
Are a sex-link, so the males and females are different colors as chicks, so we can sell 100% hen from them.
They are very good layers of brown eggs.
They will lay for you for a 5 to 6 yrs before they will need to be replaced.
Have a very nice personality, good with kids..
Average Weight
Roosters- 8
Day old chicks
Hens---------------------$15.00 each
Roosters------------------$5.00 each
Not available at this time!
Our hens are very well cared for, we use localy grown feed, steamed oats, sunflowers seeds, and cracked corn in the winter months.
In the summer months they are free to roam, where they please. We plant oats so they always have greens to eat.
Looking forward to this spring hatch, and hearing from all of you about your interests in chickens and farming. This year we are not going to be using PayPal due to expense and complications.
For all your chick orders there is a 50% deposit at time of order that can be sent E-transfer to or . (tutorial on E-transfer on "Contact Us" page) or you can mail a cheque to P.O. box 253 Carmacks YT Y0B 1C0.
Well time is flying this year I must say. We have a larger incubator set up and running, so we are hoping to be hatching close to 200 chicks a month.
Chicks will be sold unsexed ONLY this year as I do not have the space to raise all the males at this point. To my knowledge nowhere in Canada can you buy these breeds sexed, but its something we want to look into doing. The males are great for eating, butcher at 16 to 18 weeks of age, if roasted for longer at a lower tempature, they are super tender and have great flavor.
I have just set-up a PayPal shopping cart to take all your orders. this is a first time using Paypal this way so I hope it works out and makes things easier for everyone.. Let me know if you have any questions
2015 Was a great year for us we hatched over 110 chicks and sold them locally, with a lot of interest for more. Throughout the summer I managed to get a few of the heritage breeds I was looking for, with some help from my sister, we got eggs flown up from Alberta and I hatched them here at the ranch (Black, Blue, Lavender Orpington's) Now these beauties have grown up to be a very plump looking birds. They have been laying well for us all winter, looking forward to sharing these unique heritage breed with the local Yukoners, for the 2016 hatch.
Buff Orpington
The Buff Orpington breed is a great choice for a backyard chicken - beautiful with a nice personality and winter hardiness. The breed originated in Orpington, Kent, United Kingdom in the late 1800's. There are Black Orpingtons, White Orpingtons, Blue Orpingtons (somewhat rare), and Buff Orpingtons - the Buff color being the most prevalent. They are raised for the purposes of both meat and egg production (a "dual purpose" breed).
Their temperment is calm and friendly, as opposed to flighty, skittish or agressive. I had read that in a flock containing different breeds of chickens, Buff Orpingtons were often "picked on" because of their relative docility.
Buff Orpingtons mature moderately early and are good layers of brown eggs. They are also cold hardy and very broody, making them a great choice for the backyard homestead.
can lay up to 340 eggs per year.
Average Weight
Roosters 8.5lbs
Hens 7lbs
Day old chicks $10.00 each unsexed
Hatching eggs $5.00 each
Black Orpington
The Black Orpington is a very large heavy breed. they are very friendly and docile by nature. The beautiful black shine of their feathers makes them an absolutely stunning bird. The Black Orpington is a good layer of a pinkish cream colored large egg.
Lay about 175 to 200 eggs a year..
These bird have proven to be very hardy in the Yukon, good cold winter layers as long as they have light.
Average Weight
Roosters 10lbs
Hens 7.5lbs
Day old chicks $10.00 each unsexed
Hatching eggs $5.00 each
Lavender Orpington
The color Blue Orpington Chickens are very calm, quiet and affectionate, like their buff-colored counterpart. Orpingtons are a dual-purpose breed but are often kept for their pet-like qualities. They are also loosely feathered and look bigger than they actually are.
Blue Orpington Chickens are a slate blue color with dark lacing. Hens tend to go broody and make excellent mothers. They are cold hardy and lay more than 200 brown eggs per year!
* As with other “blue” breeds, the trait does not breed true. In addition to blue, you may receive splash and/or black as well. Chick color is our choice.
Average Weight
Roosters 8.5lbs
Hens 8lbs
Day old chicks $10.00 unsexed
Hatching eggs $5.00 each
Adding Lavender Orpington to your flock. You will enjoy the same friendly disposition and affectionate personality found with other Orpingtons, but will posses possibly the rarest color variation the breed comes in.
Lavender Orpington Chickens are a true beauty and rarity. Lavender, also known as “self-blue” are not like your typical blue chickens. Lavender Orpingtons will breed true and all of the offspring will be the Lavender color. Orpingtons are large and fluffy clean legged chickens. They are super docile and great with children, making them one of the best options for your backyard family flock. They lay 3-4 lightly tinted, almost pink eggs.
Lavender Orpington Chickens lay 175 -200 eggs a year.
Brahmas are gentle giants with feathered legs and feet and profuse, fluffy feathering. Originally from India, these birds were bred for meat production, though the hens lay relatively decently and are great setters and mothers. This fancy breed of chicken makes a great pet for its quiet and tame nature, tolerance to the cold, huggability and sheer chic-ness!
They lay large to rich brown eggs and are hardy winter layers. average 200+ eggs a year.
Average Weight
Roosters 12lbs
Hens 9.9lbs
Chicks will be available spring 2017
$12.00 each unsexed
Hatching eggs $6.00 each
Buff Brahma
Brahmas are gentle giants with feathered legs and feet and profuse, fluffy feathering. Originally from India, these birds were bred for meat production, though the hens lay relatively decently and are great setters and mothers. This fancy breed of chicken makes a great pet for its quiet and tame nature, tolerance to the cold, huggability and sheer chic-ness!
They lay large to rich brown eggs and are hardy winter layers, average 200 +eggs a year.
Delivery will be to "The Feed Store" in Whitehorse starting in May.
Our chicks will be available to purchase right from the store.
Contact me for specific orders, there is a 50% none refundable deposit at time of order.
Hatching eggs available after April 15th!
Young chickens for sale this fall.
Not available
Black Copper Marans
The Black Copper Marans are new to Sunset Ridge Ranch and I am very excited to be sharing them with everyone.. they are a lovely bird that seems to handle the Northern winters just fine. I love the colored eggs they give off and have a very curious personalities make them a pleasant bird. The hens lay around 150-200 dark brown eggs each year depending on the variety, they are also a dual-purpose bird, prized no only for their dark eggs but for their table qualities as well. I haven't tried putting any in the freezer yet but will this fall... They are a breed that originated in France..