Grace is a purebred Chesapeake, she is what they call the "dark bay" .We got Grace as a puppy in Nov 2009 from Alberta and she has been one of the best and smartest dogs I have ever known. She is very loyal and all around loving friend. In fall 2010 after several friends and family saying that we will need to borrow another dog to teach Grace how to retrieve.On our first hunting trip out she retrieved five ducks like a pro with no damage to the birds what so ever. We are so happy with her. Grace goes with us trapping, fishing, moose guiding, horse back trips,and of course duck hunting. She also is a great dog to have out in the bush as, she has tree' d two black bears and ran a grizzly bear off. We lost our girl in December 2021 :(
Chesapeake Bay Retriever
HSG Ranger Reg.# AQ528721
Duke, is what they call a light brown color, he is registered. HSG Ranger # AQ528721 born Oct 8/13..
Duke is a very sweet boy, very smart, doing well on birds, and great around the farm for keeping our livestock safe. Loves to be out hunting and fishing in the boat.
We lost our Duke this fall to unknown reason's so this is the last litter of Dukes pups and the only one's with Shaya. It was so hard on me to loose my Duke he was a incredible dog, I loved him dearly, my pets are like family to me.
Shaya (name meaning 'gift from God')
DOB: May 18, 2021
Shaya is the sweetest dog I have ever had the privilege of owning she is super smart and a perfect fit for us. thank you Charlette we love her
Shaya's Dam is from a breeder Northern Saskatchewan, she was adopted as a year old from another family, and her papers were lost.